"Miss Peregrine's Home for Peculiar Children" by Ransom Riggs is a unique tale of children with some special abilities. I still don't know how I feel about this book. I read this book for book club and we wanted to get ready for the movie that is coming out in September. I don't know how to feel about this book. It is definitely peculiar. I am not sure the book being peculiar is enough. Things can be interesting and fun but I felt lost and completely outside the story.
One thing that Riggs does have with this story is that I am interested. I am interested to find out what happens next but that is it. I didn't love this book. It is so popular and I was expecting to love it but I just didn't. I didn't love it. There are these kid living their lives in a time loop. The same day is over and over again. Can someone say "Groundhog Day?"
What I liked:
- The kids are fun. I love how each one is unique.
- Jacob was a great character. He had a great personality. I love that in the beginning he believed his grandfather no questions asked. Jacob really shined in the beginning. As soon as he met the peculiar children he began to lose his unique sparkle.
- Riggs is very creative. This book is very peculiar. Everyone desires to be different and Riggs definitely achieved that.
- I really liked the audiobook.
What I disliked:
- The Pictures. I may be wrong, but it seems that Riggs wrote the whole book based around the photographs. This made the story less appeasing. Some of the story seemed a bit forced. I really didn't like this part of the book.
- I don't understand the purpose of this story. this book is a bit all over the place. I want to know why this is the book Riggs wanted to write. I think that would tell me a little bit more about Riggs and the book.
Wrap up:
I am intrigued enough to pick up the next book, however, it isn't something I will pick up right away. I am waiting to borrow the audiobook from the library. I don't feel like I need to know what happens next right away.
The audiobook narrator was excellent. i really enjoyed listening to the book. I will probably continue on this track and listen to the rest of Riggs' books.
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