Today, we have Mimi Cross for an interview. Cross just had a debut novel come out called "Before Goodbye". We just want to get to know Cross today and also find out more about "Before Goodbye".
Ali: Welcome Mimi, I want to start off by finding out what is your favorite book of 2015 so far?
Mimi: I have a hard time choosing favorites, I love so many books, but I can tell you that in the past month or so, I read two books that were published in 2015 that had me up reading in the middle of the night: The Foxglove Killings by Tara Kelly and Cut Both Ways by Carrie Mesrobian.
A: Did you always want to be a writer? How is novel writing compared to song writing?
M:I always wanted to be a songwriter, yes. As for books, for some reason I always figured I’d write one some day, so I guess that means I always wanted to. But when it didn’t happen (ha—like writing a book is going to happen all on its own) I mentally took writing a book off my list of things-I-have-to-do-in-this-life. So then of course, I wrote a book.
Writing a novel is a lot different than writing a song, because novels are so much more complex. But the process becomes the same when you reach a certain point. You have to take each line and turn it over and over, polishing it smooth, like a river rock. That’s tougher with novels, because there are so many lines. I’m sure I missed a few!
A: What inspires your writing (novel and song)?
M: Music is the biggest inspiration. Instrumental pieces and songs, they make me feel so intensely. That’s why music is a natural jumping off point for me. Books and movies are a close second. Sometimes, I’m inspired by something that’s happened to me, or to someone I know. Or, I hear someone say something, tell a story, and I realize it fits in somehow with the story that I’m trying to tell. Then I get that really cool feeling, that serendipitous feeling, like everything’s connected to the writing. I love that. That feeling alone is inspiring, for novels and songs.
A: What was the hardest part about writing "Before Goodbye"?
M: Probably feeling Cate’s pain. In order to get all of Cate’s emotions on the page, I really had to go deep with her.
Also? Writing the acknowledgments. That was brutal!
A: What was your favorite thing about writing "Before Goodbye"?
M: My favorite thing about writing "Before Goodbye" was connecting with David. He was such a surprise. I also loved writing to what I now think of as the "Before Goodbye" soundtrack. Writing to the songs that I chose and that seemed to choose the book/choose me—the songs that became David and Cate’s songs—that was kind of an amazing experience. You can listen to my “soundtrack” here: Song Link
A: Do you have any habits while writing? For example: a specific snack food you have to have or maybe music playing in the background.
M: It really helps to have some chocolate in the house!
Also, I like to be warm. I almost always have a scarf or a shawl around my neck when I sit down to write. Then, when the action picks up, I whip it off—
Maybe it’s a reverse Superman cape thing? Not sure. Security blanket? Writing can be a risky business...
A: What is your favorite thing to do when you aren't writing?
M: Spending time with my son. Other than that, I love reading. I chain-read. I also love being outside, especially near the water.
A: Do you know the muffin man?
M: Absolutely.
A: Disney Princess or Disney Villain? Why?
M: Oh my g—so hard to choose. I mean, princess: I probably get a tiara, and maybe some jewels . . . plus a prince! But villain . . . I imagine I’d be expected to behave badly, yes? Which would be a LOT of fun because I have been very, VERY good for quite some time now, being a mom and all . . . So yeah, VILLAIN. Definitely. When do I start?
A: Thank you so much for stopping by today Mimi. We loved having you and I hope your week is completely awesome!
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Interview with Mimi Cross
Dec 7, 2015
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[…] I would probably check out another Mimi Cross book but this one just wasn’t for me. Please check out my interview with Mimi Cross by click the link here. […]