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Happy 3 Year Anniversary to Dazzled by Books! Oh and there are Giveaways!



I can't believe that it has been 3 years! I will be completely honest I'm not that prepared for this anniversary. My life has had so many changes. I've had way too much going on in life. This may not be a very exciting anniversary but I can say that I do have some amazing giveaways. Today I want to talk about my journey in blogging especially book blogging.

I've been blogging for a long time. I used to have a personal blog that I would write about anything I wanted. In a way I learned a lot about myself and how I felt about things. It was a great experience. I used to write reviews for Amazon. I wanted to share my opinion on the products that I bought with others. Then a friend told me to check out a book blog to see if it was something that I would be interested in. Honestly I didn't think it would be that interesting but I saw what others were doing and realized that it was what I did just with a whole website dedicated to it. I then created Dazzled by Books.

The first few months of Dazzled by Books, some people tried to take my site down. They didn't like the idea of a new comer I guess. Guess what?! I made it through that. I am still here and still blogging. I AM STILL HERE! Three years later! Dazzled by Books has become a huge part of my life. I am always reading...not that I didn't before but now I read and review everything. My goal is to create a successful blog and a successful business. I want people to know my site. I feel like it is taking time but that I am getting there and that this will all be a success in the end. Everything takes time. I am getting a little off track here. Let's go back to the last few years.

I joined so many street teams when I first started. I had a lot of time on my hands so I did so much with my street teams. I have since had to cut back on street teams because I find that I just don't have enough time anymore. I will still always be a part of the Flirt Squad by Rachel Harris. This was my first street team. I met so many amazing people through this street team. Which brings me to my blogger friends. I have met so many great people both in person and online. I don't know what I would do today without Iris from IrisjeXx. She has become my best friend and she is always there for me. I look forward to talking to her every day. Iris has helped me so much. You have that moment when you start talking to someone online and you aren't completely sure if this is truly the person they say they are. You grow up with the rules of being careful who to talk to online. I think those rules are great. I feel like Iris and I both approached our friendship with caution and we have both learned so much from each other. Now we are trying to figure out how to meet in person. I feel like I know Iris so well and all we do is talk on twitter, Facebook, txt, and of course Skype. I really need to see this girl in person! Not to mention she is the best pen pal on the planet. Now if only we could do something about this time different and this living so far apart thing. Then there is Sara from Novel Novice, Autumn from Paperrdolls, Shelley from Tsk Tsk What to Read? and Candace from Candace's Book Blog, you all are the best of friends that a girl could as for in this crazy book blogging world.

Then there is always the amazing authors. I have met so many great authors and have had the chance to get to know many of them personally. Some of my favorites have been Rachel Harris, Cindi Madsen, Lauren Oliver, Paula Stokes, Debra Driza, Kiera Cass, Colleen Houck, Kiersten White, Laini Taylor, Jim Di Bartolo, and many more. I feel lucky to be a part of this world and getting to know so many great people. I feel like I have gained so much by book blogging. I have gained friends, experience, have tried books that I never thought I would like and have developed some of the best relationships that I have ever had with people.

Sorry for talking your ear off. You are probably waiting for the good part. The giveaway! I am almost done ranting and then we will get to the good part. I hope that this next year will be amazing and hopefully I can gain some new readers, a lot more experience, and maybe add another set of bookshelves to my apartment. I love my journey through blogging and am grateful for all of it. Now for the good part. I have three gift packs that I am giving away for this anniversary. I have a rafflecopter set up below for those that are interested. First Place winner can choose there swag pack out of the three listed below. Second place can choose out of what is left and third place will get the last one.

Giveaway #1: A signed Copy of Renegade and swag





Giveaway #2: Magonia and swag




Giveaway #3: Paperback copy of Selection and swag




*The quilt and treasure chest are not included*

Hopefully I will have my bags in time and those will be included. I do apologize the Swag Packs are U.S Only however International friends, I will giveaway a $5 gift card to a winner if international friends want to enter.


  1. Whenever something fun happens I always find myself typing a message to you, you're one of my best friends and that meetup is going to happen! Happy Blogaversary Ali, may there be MANY more to come! Hugs

  2. Thank you so much Iris! You are one of my best friends too. This traveling next year better happen.
