"The Ladies of Managua" by Eleni Gage tells the story of three women, Isabela, the grandmother, Ninexin, the mom, and Maria, the daughter. Each woman has her own secrets that come to light at the funeral of a relative. Each character seemed pretty developed. I had a hard time connecting to the characters through even though they were developed. I feel like an author can develop their characters well but still create characters that are hard to connect too.
With so many different point of views it was hard at first to know who was who. After awhile I was able to catch on. I think the plot was fine and the characters were good. I wasn't as engrossed into the story as I wanted to be. Nothing just seemed to jump out at me and completely catch my attention in the story. There were a few parts I thought were slow. "The Ladies of Managua" definitely bring a lot of family drama to the table, so I feel like if you have experience this in your life before, then it might be a bit easier to relate too.
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Book Review: The Ladies of Managua by Eleni Gage
May 8, 2015
Contemporary Women
Eleni N. Gage
St. Martin's Press
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